New jerseys for SG Niederaula/Kerspenhausen
Just in time for the start of the season, SG Niederaula/Kerspenhausen boasts brand new jerseys. The red jersey with white arm stripes is adorned with the logo of our training initiative ‘Du_bewegst_Logistik’. Together with CargoNetwork and NG.network, we are supporting the club through this sponsorship. In this way, we not only want to set an example against decline in sports club culture, but also promote our corporate values.
Speed, team spirit and precision
Many sports clubs are struggling to survive. Their existence is threatened above all by financial bottlenecks and falling membership numbers, but also by a lack of volunteers. With the jersey sponsorship, the three companies based in Niederaula, System Alliance Hub Betriebsgesellschaft, CargoNetwork and NG.network, are providing concrete and local support to an important contact point for young people.
Football is more than just a sport.
“Football is more than just a sport. It’s a social event that brings people of different ages and backgrounds together. Especially for teenagers and young adults, club football offers a platform to develop social skills, make friends and experience a sense of belonging,” explains Martin Diebel, 1st Chairman of Sports Club1920 e.V. Niederaula.
Our trainee initiative "Du_bewegst_Logistik"
Logistics and football have a surprising amount in common, reports Eberhard Göder, training manager at “Du_bewegst_Logistik”: “Our daily work requires speed, precision and excellent teamwork – just like in football.” With our sponsorship, we are not only putting these similarities centre stage. But also our trainee initiative, which we use to inform young people about career opportunities in logistics. “We started the training initiative because we realised that we could achieve more together,” explains Göder. Because instead of learning from just one company, trainees gain insights into three companies at once, learn about interrelationships and are trained to become logistics experts.