New jerseys for SG Niederaula/Kerspenhausen
As part of the trainee initiative "Du_bewegst_Logistik" ("You_move_logistics"), we sponsor the club's new jerseys - supporting the football team together with our partners CargoNetwork and NG.network, in line with our corporate values.
Benefits and challenges of Cross Docking.
Time, money, transport and storage capacity, staff: Logistics is all about finite resources. This makes efficiency the most valuable thing in supply chain management. Rising costs and falling margins make it essential to question established processes – and find innovative solutions. Like Cross Docking. What is Cross Docking? The Cross Docking principle has been around […]
Intratransport: Optimised paths for better performance
After a detailed planning phase, we implemented a new setup in System Alliance Hub Betriebsgesellschaft’s Cross Docking Center. This has improved efficiency, relieved employee workloads and increased flexibility.
An unlikely dream team
At first glance, they have little in common. Rebeca Contreras and Bernd Heeres work side by side in Production Management. What unites them is their enthusiasm for their work.
Employee portrait: Abraham Ukbe Mehari
Abraham Ukbe Mehari has been working at System Alliance Hub Betriebsgesellschaft for five years now. To mark this anniversary, we are republishing his success story, which was first published in 2021.