What is general cargo?

If you want to understand what general cargo is, you should visit a transshipment facility – you are cordially invited to visit us in Niederaula! Forming your own opinion helps to better understand how experts define things. They describe general cargo as goods that are packaged in such a way that they can be handled and transported individually. They can also be extremely different in terms of shape, size and weight. Often, it is only possible to clarify whether goods can be transported as general cargo by making a distinction.


At System Alliance Hub Betriebsgesellschaft, we have clearly defined the characteristics of the goods we handle at our main handling facility. They should be accessible for industrial trucks and not weigh more than 1,600 kilograms.  In order to load the trucks efficiently, the packages should be no more than 2.30 metres tall and 2.40 metres wide. Ideally, they are also stackable and therefore offer the best use of loading space. By arrangement, we can also handle larger goods after special preparations.


There are only a few categories of goods we refuse completely. Under no circumstances can we transfer living creatures. Some classes of hazardous substances are also not permitted. Our operations are designed to handle large volumes of goods quickly and safely and to consolidate loads. This is efficient and creates synergies which benefit shippers and the environment.

Question: What do toothbrushes, a refrigerator and ship's planks have in common?
Answer: They are part of the general cargo that is handled in the Alliance HUB system.  

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What is general cargo?

If you want to understand what general cargo is, you should visit a transshipment facility – you are cordially invited to visit us in Niederaula! Forming your own opinion hel

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