Summer, sun and fun: Our 2023 Summer Party

Our annual company party is usually held at Christmastime. A wonderful time to come together and reflect on the year. But you know something? Nothing beats a cold drink with nice colleagues outside in the sun. 


We speak from experience: System Alliance Hub Betriebsgesellschaft and recently held their first Summer Party. In addition to our office and hall teams and other colleagues, families and partners were also there. A real celebration with a large group! 


We started with over 130 guests and many helpers on a bright June afternoon. We provided the necessary entertainment to keep all age groups engaged: Our up-and-coming talents were able to practice with miniature forklifts from Linde. There was also the chance to let off steam in our bouncy castle. 

We also put our logisticians through their paces at the six gaming stations. At the “Logistics Think Tank”, contestants had to make the best estimates. How much does a barrel full of litter weigh? And how many differently sized boxes actually fit on a “mixed pallet”? The dice game “Logistical Heavyweights” required particular tact and a little more judgement. Can you fill a bucket so that it weighs exactly as much as a weight rolled into a cube? 


Certainly not an easy challenge! At the end of the day, our experienced employees were still able to earn almost 1,000 points, which we will convert into euros for a donation. More on this soon! 


Shortly before the award ceremony, things got really exciting again: We needed a tie-breaker to determine the winners! As always, the prize was highly sought-after, and at the end, three lucky winners were allowed to take home a gift basket full of products and delicacies from the Rhön. 


But we didn't let anyone go home hungry, even if they narrowly missed out on making the winner's podium. We put on a generous buffet for dinner. We would like to thank the inn “Zum Dorfkrug” for the wonderful food and the great service!